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Immerse in the soothing embrace of halotherapy, where salt-infused serenity revitalizes your senses!

Halotherapy, or salt therapy, involves inhaling micro-sized salt particles in a controlled environment. This natural remedy promotes respiratory health, skin problems, and overall relaxation. Discover the benefits of 20 minutes of salt-infused serenity in halotherapy. The only thing you need to do is breathe!

Halotherapy device

Benefits of Halotherapy

Halotherapy, or Salt Therapy, replicates the microclimate found in a salt cave. This involves transforming salt air into micro-sized particles released into the atmosphere. It is natural and safe, and there are no harmful side effects.


In our Salt Therapy sessions, we utilize a pharmaceutical-grade saline solution at a concentration of 3%. This solution undergoes vaporization and is propelled through a Vibrating Mesh, producing salt particles that disperse into the air for inhalation. Halotherapy therapy is believed to be antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, completely safe for kids and adults.


Consistency and frequency are pivotal for optimal results in Halotherapy. The benefits accumulate over time, making it essential to engage in regular sessions. Individuals dealing with chronic conditions can experience significant improvement by incorporating the therapy into their routine at least 3-4 times per week. For those integrating Salt Therapy into their overall wellness regimen, a weekly session is recommended for maximum benefits.

Improves asthma

Reduces allergies

Common cold


Ear infections






How Does It Work

Halotherapy treatment for kids






Bring light clothes if you want expose your skin for the treatment. If you don't have appropriate attire, our technician can provide disposable clothing upon request.

Get ready for the session

Change in our changing rooms. The technician will adjust the room for the session...

Just breathe!

Go inside the room, and the technician will provide instructions. You will be in a private space, but the technician will stay nearby during the session if you need something. Once the session starts, just focus on your breathing.

Allow your body to recover

Once the session is over, you will be encouraged to take a short moment to relax, this will allow your body to ease back into their regular routine while continuing to benefit from the lingering effects of the salt therapy.

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